Difficulties To Learn A New Language


Why is it difficult to learn other languages?

Words are the only medium through which one person is able to share his/ her thoughts with another. Different communities or countries use different languages to communicate among themselves or each other. Therefore, for someone whose native language is English may face difficulties to learn new language.

Difficulties To Learn A New Language

Why second language learning is more difficult anyway? In short, it is because it challenges both your mind and time. That is to say,  to learn a new dialect your brain has to construct new cognitive frameworks along with consistent practice.

Initially, on the basis of the premise that learning something new is naturally a hard, that is why is it so hard to learn a second language. But we all know that it would get better with time.


“How much time will i take to get proficient in a new language?” or “can an older person learn a new language?” These questions are impossible to answer. As it mostly depends on a person’s language learning ability, motivation, environment, intensity of instruction, and prior experience in learning foreign languages. Moreover, it also depends of the similarity between the person’s native or first language and the target language . In addition, it depends on the level of proficiency the person wishes to attain.

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There are different levels that defines proficiency in a language. There is no such thing as across-the-board proficiency in a particular language. Proficiency is usually measured in terms of four skills which are speaking, reading, listening and writing. However, the three major problems of learning a new language:

  • It is scientifically proven that the participant perform better when there is a  strong connection between brain centers involved in speaking and reading. Therefore, our brain is the key to learn new difficult languages.
  • One may learn a hard language through different mediums. For instance, After-work classes, studying abroad, apps, talking with your foreign partner, working overseas, taking an intensive language course etc. However, in order to learn a difficult dialect, you can’t just memorize a set of words, you actually need to know what it means.
  • It is completely hard to learn a secondary language which is totally different from our native language. Therefore, our brains will reuse our native tongue’s grammar and characteristics to make sense of a similarly-structured foreign language.


One may overcome the difficulties of learning a new language with these  quick tips to learn another language:

  • Firstly, you should be aware as to to why learn a secondary language.  Focusing on your overall learning goal will help you work towards it efficiently when it comes.
  • Professionals advice that it’s easier for one to learn a new language which is similar to his/ her native language.
  • Motivation is the key to success. Therefore, keep motivating yourself by thinking about the advantages you’ll get when you finally learn foreign languages
  • Try to get in contact with the native speakers of your target language. You will therefore get proficient by practicing in your target language.
  • Understand you’ll make mistakes. Know that you are new learner of this language so you will make mistakes. However, do not quit as you will be proficient one day.

However, if one is not able to learn a new language, online translation, transcription or interpretation services are always available. If you need to translate or transcribe a document in a new language, just hire a professional certified translator to do your task.

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